domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Hello friends!!! let start the week with news.
I have been working a lot in the game and I made changes. From now each character will have a personal window where you are going to be able to choose different looks and minigames. The first two girls with this new add are Mirna and Alice, and I am going to add new outfits for the other characters too... also I am working in minigames for each character!!!

Special Members Area

Bellow you can see a screenshot of the current configuration for Mirna where you can choose between her white taekwondo uniform or her new MMA black outfit,
Alice has her own screen too of course v^_^v

By the way the server 110mb is under maintenance and I can't update it for now, so I have ready another server specially for the Special Members Area where the game is updated and ready to be played as usual but with the new features. I am sending to all of the current members the new address to login to the SMA and, for the new members and all of you, please for now use only atspace to stay updated with the news, also you can check the BLOG:

where I will have all the news about martinXmanga updated.

sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

One of the servers with problems

Hello friends, I want to inform you that one of my servers is under maintenance and I can't update it until this situation finish. The site affected is the one located in 110mb, for now, if you want  to be updated with the news please go to:

because is the only one updated.

The owners of 110mb can't tell me when they are going to finish, and I can't wait until an unknown date, so I decided to put online a new mirror, located in another and total different server.

I have spent the last days searching and testing the best ones and I am uploading the files to another server in order to have all ready for my next update.

I am going to inform you all of this in my next update, v^_^v

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Hello friends!!! A few days ago I decided to reactivate a blog
(created by me several months ago) where you can interact more.

The blog also will be to have a new way to stay updated because in the case of problems (servers down or slow, updates problems, etc...) with my sites I am going to put there all the information about my latest works. I am going to have the blog updated with the news so you can comment them or leave your suggestion too v^_^v

Welcome to the blog

Welcome to my new blog. Long time ago I started this blog and now I am going to use it to stay in contact with all of you, beside of my sites. I strongly recommend you to BOOKMARK this blog because in the case of problems with the servers of my sites I am going to use this blog to stay in contact with all of you, informing here about all my latest works and news.
Also you can publish your opinions and suggestions on each entry and read the others visitors comments.

Martín v^_^v

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

"The Cyberfight" is updated, enjoy it v^_^v

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Lovely Fighter / Tournament

From now all the members can train and fight this two new beautiful karate girls. Terri and Nataly both excellent karate black belts are this new girls they are the bests friends of each other... but their story will make this girls to fight between them, why? and how?, well...
I am working on the story right now and when I finish it I am going to upload this
story to the Special Members Area where you will know it!!!
For now you can play with this powerful girls in "Lovely Fighter / Tournament"
fully uploaded and ready for all the members in the:

Special Members Area

Here you can see them... v^_^v

viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

"The Cyberfight" is updated and yes as I told you, in this update
you are going to know more about Susan in this spectacular double page, enjoy it v^_^v