miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

Hello friends and again BIG NEWS!!!, I am working in something new...

All of you already know about all the "holographic" things that are coming... well I am experimenting with this alternatives too and I made a hologram using a couple of techniques very interesting, because you will be able to see it using your normal monitor or even you naked eyes, without 3D glasses and without any sophisticated (and expensive) equipment
(just a hand mirror if you choose the first method).

I want to introduce yo to a new girl and she is going to be in charge of the tutorial to teach you how to do this, her name is CJ/9 (she is from the near future and is one of the characters made by me, a human fighter with genetic improvements, I can't tell you more for now...).

Let's pass to the tutorial (to play the tutorial use the triangles of the lower left corner)
and below the tutorial is the hologram:

Now that you know the "how to" bellow is a wonderful HOLOGRAM v^_^v

(the controls are M for mirror split mode, C for crossed view mode and FS for full screen)

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