jueves, 29 de julio de 2010

Hello to all A NEW COMIC BOOK IS HERE!!!

After the beta tests the final version is debugged and ready to be enjoyed. So here is the new interactive online comic "The Fighters" ready, you can find it
in the "Hypermangas" section v^_^v

From now you are going to see some changes in martinXmanga on the main menu on the left part of your screen you are going to see a new section "Animation" in this section I am going to upload 3D videos made by me with the best quality, for the moment you can find there an old project called "Trained Weapon" that is going to disappear in the near future and is going to mutate to an hypermanga and is going to be available on the hypermangas section but in different format.

Also I am going to continue uploading more freebies but not all the future updates are going to be free, I am evaluating the best alternatives to do this...

miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

Hello friends my new interactive online comic "The Fighters" is ready the beta time is almost finished and as a preview I am uploading the cover as a great wallpaper,
in any momment the comic will be online v^_^v

Go to the Martial Angels section in the Wallpapers gallery...

viernes, 23 de julio de 2010

Hello friends, I have a question... Did you ever dreamed of becoming a comic book writer?... I know that, among all of you, there are very talented writers, with a lot of desires to make an adventure.

My new project is focused on you, I am working on a short story, but this is special, because for the first time you are going to have the possibility of edit all the dialogs online over the comic page and after that, publish them using your name or nickname! after that every person who see the adventure will be able to choose your version among all the writers and read your version of the story.

This adventures will be published here on my site!!!

I am working in the beta version of this online software, you won't need to install nothing and you won't need to download nothing, you will navigate to the page and and then choose to read, re/write or translate the scripts... prior to the final release of this new comics to everybody on martinXmanga I would like to test this in private.

I f you want to be one of the firsts writers to test this, just send me an e/mail and I will send you a link where to find this new comic book. If you have any question please write me too.

Below you can see some screen shots of the pages as a previews v^_^v

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

Hello friends, today I am updating my first videogame "Lovely Fighter" (the Jessica's adventure)
Many of you was requesting me this by e/mail, the game was having problems under some Windows Xp and Windows Vista too and the only way to resolve this was runing the game
"As Administrator"... now that problem it's over.

I recompiled the game, from now the game will run fine in all the actual Windows operative systems.
Now you can download the new Full Compatible game v^_^v

lunes, 19 de julio de 2010

Hello friends, I want to thanks to all the people who are buying my videogame,
also thanks for your e/mails and words about my works.
Special thanks to Armin who made the review and correction of all the dialogs of the video game, to ensure a perfect english dialogs.

Today I am uploading more information about "Lovely Fighter / Defiance"
Many of you was requesting me more details about this videogame, this time I am going to tell you about the deadly kicks of Alexa, she use this devastating finishing blows when she defeat an opponent.
I am not telling you here about the other special techniques of Alexa like the "Ninety nine petals of death" and others which are part of the story and part of the game, you will know this techniques in the videogame while the story is progressing.

In future updates I am going to tell you about all her kicking techniques (all real taekwondo techniques based on my personal knowledge and a lot of careful observation)
enjoy them v^_^v

miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

Hello friends!!! a new update of "The Cyberfight"
Yes, surprise! Bruce is back, and this time powerful than before,
so stay alert for some mixed action in the next pages

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

New Section!!!
Hello again friends, I am going to add options in the site to have some feedback from you and now you have a new interesting section where you can compare your personal tastes with the rest of the people who are visiting this site, also I am going to strongly consider this information in my futures updates, participate it v^_^v
Lovely Fighter  Defiance UPGRADE
Ok friends, it looks like some of you was having very good beatings from Alexa and the cheat from Mirna wasn't enough to help you, well..., the game now have a difficulty selector added so for those who can't beat Alexa download the demo again and try the game in easy, but the game is designed to be played in hard mode, enjoy it v^_^v