jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

Hello again, a new update of "The Cyberfight"
more action, more kicks, more fun... enjoy it v^_^v

One more thing for those of you who are using browsers which are slower than others and have problems rendering the main page of the comic from now you can click over the number of each page for a faster download method.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

Hello friends, today here you have two wallpapers from "Lovely Fighter / Defiance"
my new video/game and comic strip because is both things at the same time in one product.

Here you can see the skilled Kendra performing an axe kick to Alexandra's face,
and a flying lateral kick (this two wallpaper are a real part of the story)...
enjoy them v^_^v
This wallpapers are located at the bottom of the "videogames" section
in the wallpapers gallery.